Friday 29 September 2017

Different Between Conventional Braces and Invisible Braces

Getting a taste of metal, not as cool as it sounds. Ask those who have to wear metallic orthodontic braces that are worn over teeth to straighten them. Not only the taste, their effect on the daily life plus their impact on the visual appearance make them an unattractive but a necessary recourse for anyone suffering from dental problems arising out of the misalignment of teeth. The earlier the problem is detected and appropriate treatment is administered the lesser will be the suffering and complications. Especially teenagers and adults shy away from the idea of wearing them in public. The truth is howsoever one may detest them; they can't be avoided because of their proven results in cases of correcting mild malocclusion. Therefore, dentists in Chandigarh for braces recommend invisible braces for kids and adults to straighten teeth.
If only getting noticed wearing braces is the problem then there are alternatives. These come in the form of clear braces and invisible braces. The traditional braces were made of some combination of metal but these alternatives are made of material that reduces their visibility or are fitted in a manner that makes it difficult for someone else to spot them easily. Clear braces are made of ceramic or composite material and are a popular due to their ability to blend in with the teeth. These brackets have a tendency to get stained easily but they are changed during periodic adjustments. On the other hand, invisible braces are fitted on the back side of the teeth rather than the front.
Best dentists in Chandigarh for braces say that one thing to be kept in mind is that while, clear and invisible braces will take care of visibility issues, the soaring of gums, avoiding certain kinds of food, taking extra care of oral hygiene etc. is something that cannot be skipped.
Dental Bhaji provides comfortable, easy to use and most importantly, affordable dental treatments that take care of your teeth which is hassle free and leaves your lifestyle untouched. This computerized & digital dental clinic in Chandigarh is the most trusted dental hospital. The popularity is growing at an incredible rate. All you have to do is wear a series of clear wafer thin transparent removable aligners, which gently guide your teeth from their present to the desired position to give you the perfect smile and also get rid of your dental problems.
Dental Bhaji has best dentists in Chandigarh for braces that provide high quality cosmetic dentistry service which is an art of altering the dental structure to give a desired smile and facial appearance to a person.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Advanced Dental Care Hospital in Chandigarh

Chandigarh has a number of specialist dental clinics which offer a plethora of advanced dental treatments in Chandigarh. Specialized dentists are available from all the areas such as orthodontics, restorative dentistry, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, microscopic dentistry and much more. Cosmetic dental solutions are also offered by the dental clinics in Chandigarh.
Some of the treatments that can be expected in best dental hospital in Chandigarh are:

Oral surgery

Root canal therapy is available for the patients suffering from infected pulp tissue. This procedure has now been made significantly painless for the patients. RCT is a method through which the infected pulp is removed, and the root canal is sealed with a special material. The dentist may take 2-3 appointments to complete the entire procedure.
Apicoectomy is another procedure which is carried out when a root canal treated tooth develops an infection or abscess. The procedure entails the removal of infected tissue and shortening of the roots.
The best dentist in Chandigarh with a specialization in endodontics would be able to complete this procedure with ease.

Orthodontic treatments

People suffering from various orthodontic issues such as crooked teeth, malocclusions, cross bites, etc. need to use braces and other orthodontic appliances to correct their dental structures. The advanced dental clinics in Chandigarh like Dental Bhaji use modern braces for their patients. These braces are much less noticeable and bulky as compared to metal braces of yore. The dentists determine a suitable treatment after carefully assessing the patient to decide whether the patient requires braces or some other appliance.

Paediatric dentistry

The best dentist in Chandigarh also offers high-quality dental services for small children. Certain measures are used by the dentists to prevent dental problems in children, such as using fissure sealants. Fissure sealant is applied to the surface of a tooth to prevent the development of cavities. Fissure sealants last for many years and protect the teeth against cavities.
The dentists also give advice the parents regarding the various ways to maintain the oral health of the child in good condition.

Cosmetic dentistry

Whitening the yellowish teeth is a popular procedure among people. The advanced dental care hospital in Chandigarh offer both pola whitening and opalescence whitening procedures. Dental clinics also offer porcelain veneers for stained, cracked and chipped teeth. The veneers are thin shells made of porcelain which is bonded to the front portions of teeth. They are stain resistant and match the color of the teeth.

Emergency treatment

Dental Bhaji also offer emergency dental treatment for the patients. Conditions such as sudden, excruciating pain due to a number of causes or discomfort caused by cracked tooth qualify as dental emergencies.