Friday 31 March 2017

Get Dental Implant Surgery from Best Dental Implant Center in Chandigarh

A Dental Implant can be described as a small rod, generally made of titanium which is placed on the jaw bone in order to hold and support a false tooth. This implant combines with the jaw bone over several months leaving a small attachment projecting out through the gum. This attachment helps bridges or dentures to be clipped on to it.
The complete dental implant process is a collaborative effort between a surgical dentist and a restorative dentist. The surgical dentist is responsible for placing the implant and the restorative dentist handles the final replacement of the teeth. And if you are looking for best dental implant center in Chandigarh, there is no better choice than Dental Bhaji which has the best dentists for dental implat surgery in Chandigarh.

This process is undertaken in three steps:

Step I - First Surgery:

Preparing for the surgery:

Considering the complications involved in the surgery and the anesthesia that requires to be administered, most dental surgeries take place at the Dental Implant Center in Chandigarh. All instructions that are given prior to the surgery need to be followed with utmost care.

During Surgery:

The Surgical dentist at Dental Implant Center in Chandigarh will provide medication which will help you feel relaxed or sleepy. Then anesthesia is administered to desensitize the place where the implant is to be placed. The complete end to end process will take about two to three hours.
While performing the first surgery, the surgical dentist carefully prepares the jawbone to receive the implant:
Once the first surgery is completed, the dental assistant suggests oral hygiene instructions, prescriptions for pain killers and antibiotics and also details of follow up process to keep a close check on the healing process.
During the months of healing, the metal implant connects with the jawbone structurally and functionally. This process is called "Osseointegration".
Unnecessary pressure on the jaw bone should be avoided by having soft foods and the complete mouth including the other teeth and gums should be kept clean.

Step II - Second Surgery:

Once the Osseointegration process is completed by the Dental Implant Center in Chandigarh and the surgical dentist is convinced that the implants are firmly held, an extension or abutment (small titanium connector) is attached.
The second surgery will be completed in about half an hour after which the assistant suggests oral hygiene instructions and additionally suggests that the attachments should be cleaned gently using a soft toothbrush.

Step III – Attaching the prosthesis

In this step the restorative dentist designs the new tooth, checks if it fits well and attaches it to the metal abutment. This dental prosthesis could either be fixed or removable. Fixed prosthesis can only be removed by the dentists; however removable one can be removed by the individuals themselves.
Contact the best Dental Implant Hospital in Chandigarh i.e Dental Bhaji for the best care for your tooth and best surgery.

Get the best dental care from Dental Bhaji dental clinic

The dental care in Chandigarh and surgeries are very important for people who are suffering from teeth related problems or who require an annual checkup for the same. As such there is a lot of demand of the dental care clinics for all the different types of treatments in Montgomery. The clinics like Dental Bhaji here will provide you all the necessary facilities that are needed for the complete dental health check up as well as maintenance of the patients. They also provide a complementary discount on the orthodontic evaluation. The patients get the treatments from some of the best trained and friendly dentists in Chandigarh and Mohali who will provide you the best of the tips to protect your gums and teeth from the unwanted cavities and germs. The clinics are well equipped with the different types of equipments that are essential to be used in the surgery for dental treatments in Chandigarh including digital & panoramic X-rays, soft tissue laser and ultrasonic scaling etc.
The best dentists in Chandigarh here perform the following different kinds of therapies for the patients suffering from the related problems. These include Periodontics, Orthodontics, and cosmetic dentistry, preventive and other types of oral surgeries respectively. If you are having tooth problem and looking for best surgeons in Chandigarh, then visit this clinic for sure. Here all forms of tooth treatment can be taken by the patients of related problems. The dentures availed here are of the best type and supports your overall health of lips, tongues and other mouth organs that are connected to the teeth. Under the restorative therapy, the patients can be cured of the complete tooth related problems through fillings and implants that tend to remodel your teeth.
Get the best dental implants in Chandigarh, dental surgery in Chandigarh, and other dental treatments in Chandigarh only at Dental Bhaji dental clinic in Chandigarh.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Best Dentists in Chandigarh For Braces

Braces are the recommended mode of treatment for crooked, protruded, crowded and unevenly spaced teeth. Dentists for braces in Chandigarh carries out this procedure by moving your teeth to the correct position and making them look more attractive. Before one settles for this they should find out what is involved and how much will it cost them. One might also wonder if braces are really necessary and this question can only be answered when one knows the real importance of having them.

The importance of braces

Dental hygiene is quite hard to observe when tooth are not aligned well. Brushing and flossing will not be easy not to mention that one will have to be at home with the idea of losing teeth. Protruding tooth do not come together during chewing and this brings about what is called a bad bite. The protrusions can also bring about jaw problems therefore it is only wise that one seeks the services of a dentist for braces in Chandigarh if they notice such. There is scientific research that shows that periodontal infections are usually released to the blood stream and can bring about cardiac health related problems.

The bite and the braces

One of the conditions that calls for the attention of dentist for braces in Chandigarh, that of a bad bite. This condition is brought about by five things. One of them is a small mouth. A small moth limits the space for dental to grow in thus resulting in crowding of teeth. Thrusting the tongue is another reason. This is especially common in children. Having too many teeth or not enough teeth can also bring about a bad bite. Jaws that are misaligned also affect the functioning of the teeth. It can also bring about dental grinding. There are some functional habits like thumb sucking which lead to tongue thrusting.

The age and type

Dentists in Chandigarh for braces for children from the ages between eight and fourteen are best found only on Dental Bhaji. During this period any dental development can be noticed easily. Braces are made of different kinds of parts. There are the brackets, arch wires and elastic ties. One can choose the kind of bracket that they want depending on the shape that pleases them. The wires give constant pressure to the teeth forcing them to be aligned. They are usually attached to the brackets. It is amazing how beauty can be derived from such simplicity.
Dental Bhaji has the best dentist in Chandigarh for braces.

Best Dental Braces Clinic in Chandigarh and Mohali – Dental Bhaji

If you are looking for best dentists in Chandigarh, you need to contact Dental Bhaji in Chandigarh and Mohali for the best dentists in Chandigarh. The following article talks about the top 4 things that you should do while you or your child is wearing braces. You need to consider these things when looking for the dental braces in Chandigarh and Mohali. Dental Bhaji has the best dental doctors in Chandigarh to give a comprehensive care to your teeth.


Braces are the devices that are used in by your dentists that are going to align and straighten your teeth. Braces are also going to help to position your teeth with regard to your bite. While doing this, the braces are also going to work in order to improve your overall dental health. Braces are also used to correct under bites, as well as malocclusions, overbites, open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crooked teeth and other types of teeth and jaw flaws that you may have. Braces can be either cosmetic or structural. Braces are going to be used in conjunction with other orthodontic appliances in order to help widen your palate or jaws. Braces will also be used to assist in shaping your teeth and jaws. You and your braces are going to become very good friends over the coming months or years that you have to wear them. Yes, braces are a long commitment - it is not going to be something that is going to take a couple of months to take care of the problem. It is very important to get your relationship with your braces off to a very good start. The following things should be done in order to prevent rocky times ahead:


It may be a pain to floss around your braces but it is going to be the best way in order to prevent gum disease and other oral health problems. It will take you just a few minutes a day to floss. By flossing, it will make sure that you do not face significant dental health issues when your braces do have to come off.

Avoiding Sticky and Hard Foods

It is important that you avoid sticky and hard foods while you are wearing your braces put on by best dentists in Chandigarh and Mohali. Sticky or hard foods can break a bracket or wire, so it is best to avoid them altogether.

Chewing with Back Teeth

It is important that you chew with your back teeth while you are wearing braces. Taking a large bite of food with your front teeth is going to leave your braces vulnerable to some type of damage. You should cut large foods into pieces and use your back teeth to chew while wearing braces put on by your Falmouth orthodontist. This is especially important with corn on the cob, which should always be cut from the cob.

Wearing of Rubber Bands and Headgear

Wearing rubber bands, headgear and other appliances put on by your orthodontist may seem annoying but failing to comply with wearing the special devices is going to increase the length of your treatment by months. You should wear the rubber bands and headgear now in order to avoid problems down the line.
For best braces dentist in Chandigarh and Mohali, you should contact best dental braces clinic i.e. Dental Bhaji.